按照之前安装的MS SQLServer的步骤安装完成后,发现在新建的项目中“Add Reference”时居然找不到Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient命名空间,不知道是什么状况?只好添加DLL了,在“C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\ADOMD.NET\100\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll”下找到了该文件,该文件的最后修改时间是2009年3月30日,534KB。如图:
图 AdomdClient.dll的磁盘路径
本人觉得这一块和ADO.NET没有太大的区别,此处我使用的连接字符串是:Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=BPDW; ,该字符串可以在数据源设计器中找到,所以根本无需记忆,会找即可。
图 连接字符串
string ReturnCommandUsingCellSet() { // Create a new string builder to store the results System. Text .StringBuilder result = new System. Text .StringBuilder(); // Connect to the local server using (AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection("Provider = SQLNCLI10. 1 ;Data Source = localhost;Integrated Security = SSPI;Initial Catalog = BPDW;")) { conn. Open (); // Create a command, using this connection AdomdCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = @" select { [ Measures ] . [ Oil Proved Reserves ] } on columns ,{ [ Dim Time ] . [ 年份 ] . & [ 19 ] } on rows from [ BPDW ] where [ Dim Geography ] . [ 国家名称 ] . & [ Total Asia Pacific ] & [ China ] "; // Execute the query, returning a cellset CellSet cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet(); // Output the column captions from the first axis // Note that this procedure assumes a single member exists per column . result.Append("\t"); TupleCollection tuplesOnColumns = cs.Axes [ 0 ] . Set .Tuples; foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.Tuple column in tuplesOnColumns) { result.Append( column .Members [ 0 ] .Caption + "\t"); } result.AppendLine(); // Output the row captions from the second axis and cell data // Note that this procedure assumes a two - dimensional cellset TupleCollection tuplesOnRows = cs.Axes [ 1 ] . Set .Tuples; for ( int row = 0 ; row < tuplesOnRows. Count ; row ++ ) { result.Append(tuplesOnRows [ row ] .Members [ 0 ] .Caption + "\t"); for ( int col = 0 ; col < tuplesOnColumns. Count ; col ++ ) { result.Append(cs.Cells [ col, row ] .FormattedValue + "\t"); } result.AppendLine(); } conn. Close (); return result.ToString(); } // using connection }